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Epic Travel Games to Prevent Boredom on Long Journey’s

Since commercial flights have become affordable and available to the masses many of us have been able to visit the countries and cities of our dreams. Nowadays, we travel around the World with ease to visit new and exciting destinations, like Thailand, New Zealand, Japan and Los Angeles, with great ease.

Unfortunately, the journey time remains extensive and until teleportation is mastered we need to occupy ourselves during these 10+ hours of travel. Long-haul adventures can be made more bearable and enjoyable by playing a simple game with your friend, family member and even the strangers sat next to you. Today, we are sharing our favourite games that keep the whole family entertained on long journeys.

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Travel Games Idea #1: Mini Board Games

You can easily use the fold down tables on planes and trains to play a travel sized board game with your neighbour. Take your favourite family board games with you is a great way to have fun and pass the time on long haul flight. Our favourite mini board games are:

Monopoly Grab & Go ($9.49) – The compact mobile version of the Monopoly game is a great game ideal for long journeys as the game itself can be played for 1-3 years.

Rummikub ($11.99)– This epic tile game is perfect for 2-6 players and is available in a travel sized tin.

Connect 4 ($7.93) and Battleship($5.49) – these are both fun games that have been available in travel size for decades. While they are both fun games and great to play with younger kids, do be careful not to drop and lose any of the pieces.

Other popular travel sized board games include Snakes and Ladders, Chess, Ludo and Backgammon. These games are often found together as a mini magnetic game set. Launch Innovative are selling an epic games set on Amazon for $14.99. Take a look!


Related: How to Survive a Long-Haul Flight

Travel Games Idea #2: A Pack of Cards

The traditional 52 card packet, often referred to as poker cards, offers an unlimited amount of fun as so many card games can be played with them. The games we play the most are:

  • Spit – For a fun and fast paced game that is easy to learn play Spit.
  • Whist– The traditional trumps game is great for 2-4 players. Each trick alternates with a special suit (heart, club, diamonds and spades) aka the trump.
  • Mystery Whist – Once you have mastered Whist, upgrade to Mystery Whist, where you have to guess how many tricks you think you can win, based on the trump and your cards. If you get the answer right you get 10 bonus points, plus the number of tricks you guessed. If you get it wrong, you don’t receive the bonus 10 points.
  • Cribbage – For advanced card players tackle the almighty Cribbage, which is a point scoring game. There are 2 main ways to score points, as you play and after play using the cards in your hand.

Bicycle ($3.50) sell poker cards in a pack of 2, which is perfect for having a home pack and a travel pack. Gather Together Games is a great YouTube channel that gives easy to understand video tutorials on all of the above games.

There are also some great cards games available, which are less versatile but equally as fun to play. Our top 3 games to play whilst waiting to board a flight and on the journey are:

  • Monopoly Deal ($7.99) – If you love Monopoly but think it lasts too long then this card game version, Monopoly Deal, is perfect for you and your friends and family. We are currently addicted to this game as it involves stealing and swapping properties and paying new fines. To win, be the first player to get 3 complete sets.
  • UNO ($8.79)– Perhaps the best-selling card game of all time! Make sure you pack UNO as this game can be played for hours, with 2-6 players. To win be the first to get 500 points.

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Related: How to Entertain your Kids at the Airport

Travel Games Idea #3: Puzzle Books

Puzzle books are great way to spend your time on a long journey. There are essentially two ways to use a puzzle book as a game with your friends and family.

  1. You each buy the same book and race to do the same puzzle, for example a sudoku and word search.
  2. Or you can share the book and complete a puzzle together, for example a crossword.

Which option do you prefer?

Puzzle Place has a great selection of puzzle books on Amazon. Our favourites are the ‘Brain Teasers’ books, as they include multiple types of puzzles. When you finish and enjoy book 1 you can move onto book 2 for more fun challenges.

With over 12 games to choose from which ones will you choose for your next long journey? Let us know your favourite travel games.

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